Don't guess, test. The answers
really do lie
in your
When you’re looking for answers to why you’re not feeling great in menopause or you want to know you’re doing the very best for your future health, nothing beats DNA analysis and a truly personalised nutrition and lifestyle plan. I’m a big fan of DNA testing as part of my nutrition and lifestyle programmes because it’s absolutely the best way to discover what your body needs.
Your genes are unique to you, and they can make a big difference to your experience of menopause. Understanding your genetic programming gives you a unique insight into your health so you can play your cards the very best way you can. It’s the missing piece of the puzzle. It will tell you if you’re predisposed to certain conditions or at potential risk of nutrient deficiencies or food intolerances, which helps determine your personal requirements.
DNA testing is perfect for you if:
You can’t figure out why you’re not losing weight as easily as everyone else when you’re following the same diet
Your energy levels are on the floor even after a good night’s sleep
You’re anxious and on edge, and the slightest thing seems to set you off
It seems like your hormones are all over the place: PMS, fibroids, horrific menopause symptoms
You’re now much more sensitive to alcohol and chemicals, and headaches are becoming a regular occurrence
Sleep eludes you no matter what you try
You’re noticing your health symptoms are exactly the same as your parents or siblings!

The power of nutrigenomics in menopause
with Lifecode Gx
You might have heard of genetic testing before, but nutrigenomics testing is what you need. ‘Nutrigenomics’ describes how your genes interact with the food you eat and your lifestyle. And, while it’s interesting to know you’re 60% Viking*, imagine getting your hands on your DNA blueprint so you can understand the exact food and lifestyle changes you might make for a better experience in menopause and for the rest of your life?
Your genes set the stage for your health, but they’re not set in stone. You have the power to manipulate your genes to improve health outcomes. Nutrigenomics helps you do that. When you understand your genetic predisposition, you can customise your diet and lifestyle to support your health and start to feel great no matter if you're in perimenopause, menopause or you're already post menopause..
I work with Lifecode Gx, the UK’s leading experts in nutrigenomics testing and education, offer a full range of tests and keep up to date with their education/ support. Maybe you already know the area you’d like to explore… If so, you can order your tests directly and book your interpretation appointment in below. If you’re not sure which are the best tests for the symptoms you’re experiencing, book a free 15-minute consultation to discuss options with me here.
* Nutrigenomics testing looks at how your genes interact with your nutrition and environment. They won’t give you the deets on your ancestry. Sorry.
How DNA testing works
Book your consultation.
The test will be delivered to your door.
Do the test (it’s just a swab of the inside of your cheek).
Send it back in the post.
You’ll get an email when your results are ready (takes about 4 weeks).
We’ll have our interpretation session and you’ll get your personalised recommendations based on your results.
Book your DNA tests today
There are a variety of different reports available to buy, and which are relevant to you depends on your symptoms and the area of your health you want to explore. Single tests start at £399 for a single report with a 30-minute support call (analysis and foundational diet/ lifestyle recommendations*). The Nutrient Core is a great place to start, and a fab add-on to other tests. Or you can buy combinations of tests. I've suggested some of my most popular below. If you're not sure, book a free 15-minute call to discuss your options.
The great thing about DNA tests compared to any other kind of testing is your genes never change. With a blood test, readings taken today could be completely different if you repeated them next week. Testing can be done at any age and at any time of the month. Because your genetic code is fixed, you won’t ever need to repeat the test. No medications, HRT or supplements affect results.
* The interpretation that comes with this test includes some basic diet and lifestyle recommendations but note that this is not a full bespoke nutrition plan. This requires a longer consultation. It you can upgrade to this option if you wish - enquire when you book.
Popular test combinations
* Please ask about customising tests. You can combine any of the individual tests. 1 test = £399; 2 = £699; 3 = £899; 4 = £1149; 5 = £1299

Individual DNA reports

Nutrient Core
This test gives a fantastic overview of your health. It includes genes that have been shown to affect:
food response - gluten (coeliac) and lactose intolerance
caffeine - sensitivity and metabolism
microbiome - diversity
vitamin need - vitamins A, B9 (folate), B12 (cobalamin), C, D and K
blood pressure - sodium-potassium balance & salt sensitive hypertension
detoxification - glutathione
metabolism - blood sugar control (insulin), appetite (leptin)
inflammation - specific and systemic
circadian rhythm - early bird or night owl predisposition

Your hormones regulate many physiological processes, including the development and function of the reproductive system, metabolism, inflammation, and immune system. There are many signs of hormonal imbalance not limited to: infertility, low libido and sex drive, acne, excess facial hair in women, PCOS, fibroids, PMS, blood clots, mood swings, depression, substance misuse, poor memory, weight gain, and hormone sensitive cancers, such as breast cancer or prostate cancer.
The Hormones test analyses genes involved in the regulation, synthesis, signalling, transport and metabolism of the hormones. It will be useful if you have a history of hormonal imbalance and/or you've been experiencing a bumpy menopause.

Nervous System
The nervous system is all about your mood and how you feel. Symptoms of neurotransmitter issues can include: mood imbalances, depression, mania, attention deficit and obsessive compulsive disorders, addictive behaviours, motor control disruption, anger, aggression and restlessness.
This DNA test analyses gene variants that impact serotonin (contentment) and melatonin (sleep), dopamine (motivation), noradrenaline and adrenaline (fight or flight); glutamate (the major excitatory neurotransmitter); GABA (the major inhibitory neurotransmitter) which is critical for relaxation; and endoCannabinoids (AEA/ anandamide) which regulate other neurotransmitters.

This is the test you need to understand energy regulation, lifespan and longevity. If you've wondered whether you are genetically programmed to need more carbs or more fat, this is gold. It might finally help you understand why you're always hungry or put on weight at the drop of a hat.
The comprehensive Metabolics report presents the genes that can powerfully influence key pathways driving human metabolism. It incorporates over 40 genes and 50 SNPs across 6 pathways, including appetite regulation, nutrient sensing, sugar and fat metabolism, cholesterol and bile, mitochondria and inflammation.

Made famous by Dr Gary Brecka, this test is a complex test that gives you a unique insight into your susceptibility to a host of chronic health conditions like heart disease, circulatory problems, chronic fatigue, infertility, immune and autoimmune conditions, food and chemical sensitivities, and mood and psychiatric disorders, as well as cancer and premature ageing. Read more HERE.
Genetic results will inform whether you are likely to be poor or overly efficient at processing cofactors - B6, B9 (folate) and B12 (cobalamin), methionine, betaine, choline, zinc and magnesium; and inhibitors - chemicals, moulds, drugs, hormones and heavy metals and provide guidance on how to support or bypass bottlenecks or weaknesses.

This is the one for you if you suspect you have an underperforming thyroid or you have already been diagnosed with a thyroid condition like under-active thyroid/ Hashimoto's or overactive thyroid/ Grave's. Thyroid hormones control the metabolism of almost every cell in the body, with wide-ranging metabolic, developmental and cardiovascular effects.
The Thyroid Balance report analyses the genes involved in the whole thyroid hormone lifecycle: making thyroid hormones and the activation of those hormones in peripheral tissues, transport and metabolism, processing of cofactors (vitamins D and A) and inhibitors (stress and toxins). It also examines genes that make you susceptible to inflammation and autoimmunity.

Detoxification is the removal of toxic substances from the human body. Poor detoxification can cause symptoms like headaches, muscle aches, fatigue, allergies, skin disorders, weight gain, bloating, acid reflux and heartburn, excessive sweating, chronic infections, low libido, poor mental function and low stress tolerance.
This test examines genes which impact Phase I reactions in the liver, including the cytochrome P450 oxidases, Phase II conjugation, including the UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs) and glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) and the Phase III antiporter gene ABCB1, which affects the transport of medicines and other substances into and out of cells. It also include genes that help to neutralise ROS - due to toxic intermediates.

Histamine intolerance
Histamine intolerance is the body’s reaction to an imbalance between accumulated histamine and its capacity to break it down. When the body is unable to break histamine down quickly enough it becomes toxic. Symptoms include skin irritation or breathing difficulties, digestive problems, headaches, insomnia and anxiety.
This test analyses the genes and nutrients needed to breakdown and remove histamine, showing where disruptions occur and how to support optimal function. Diamine oxidase, which primarily breaks down histamine in the gut, can be impaired by gastrointestinal disease or ‘blockers’ such as alcohol, smoked or fermented foods, black tea, green tea and some medications such as non steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (ibuprofen or aspirin).

Athlete Report
if you're someone who is very active in sport, whether you're professional, semi-professional or a committed amateur, this is the report for you.
DNA sequencing has opened the door to personalised approaches to health and fitness, enabling a more intelligent approach to training, recovery and performance. In this report, we present elements of your unique DNA profile that have been shown to affect athletic performance.
The personalised genetic results are grouped into three topic areas:
Train - tailor a programme that will be most effective for you to support cardio-vascular adaption, strategic fuelling and structural strength.
Recover - build resilience and reduce your risk of injury and illness by controlling inflammation, reducing oxidative stress and optimising sleep.
Perform - balance stress and stimulation when it matters most - to achieve your personal best.

APOE (Alzheimers Risk)
When people talk about uncovering your risk of Alzheimers Disease, this is the test they talk about... The Apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene is best known for its role in lipid (fat) metabolism by helping to remove cholesterol from the bloodstream. It can exist in three main forms known as E2, E3 and E4.
The E4 form of the APOE gene has been associated with increased plasma cholesterol and triglycerides and susceptibility to cardiovascular disease - heart attacks or strokes due to atherosclerosis, insulin resistance and Alzheimer’s disease. However, having an E4 genotype is one of many risk factors and does not mean you will develop any of these conditions.
In addition to APOE, this test examines genes involved in methylation, inflammation, toxicity and neuroprotection, to enable individuals to take preventative action by adopting personalised nutrition and lifestyle changes to optimise their future, long term health.